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Corredor Azul Programme

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Case study
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Connecting People, Nature and Economies along the Paraná-Paraguay River System

¿What is the Corredor Azul Programme?

The Corredor Azul Programme began in 2017 and it’s objective is to preserve the health and connectivity of the Paraná-Paraguay wetland system as a natural heritage site that is key to the region’s sustainable development and the livelihoods of communities throughout the system.

We generate knowledge and exploit it for capacity building. By developing pilot experiences, we demonstrate new ways to preserve and sustainably use this wetland corridor as an environmental,
social, and economic asset.

We promote a regional and landscape approach and we develop activities from an integrated perspective, taking into consideration the interconnectivity of wetlands between themselves and their surroundings and understanding them as territories of life.

Programme Goal

Safeguard the health and connectivity of the Corredor Azul and its iconic wetlands for the benefit of people and nature.

At the national and international level, we work with partner institutions such as universities, research institutes and civil society organisations. At the national level, the Programme collaborates with governments and private sector actors by establishing formal cooperation agreements based on policies and strategic plans aimed at the preservation and sustainable use of the wetlands of the Paraná-Paraguay River Corridor.

Knowledge to value and action to conserve. With this working approach, the aim is to build a path that will continue over time and be sustained in the long term.

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Where do we work?

In three macro-wetland systems chosen for their key role in preserving the health and connectivity of the corridor: the Pantanal in Brazil and the Iberá Marshes and the Paraná Delta in Argentina.

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Main achievements


The Programme is already working to improve productive practices in a cattle raising and forestry area of 98,560 ha.

Better productive practices

The Programme is already working with 21 communities, ecotourism associations and artisanal fishing cooperatives on the implementation of better practices to promote more sustainable production processes.

Protected Areas

We preserve wetlands by developing and updating management plans for large wetland landscapes in the Pantanal, Iberá Wetlands and Paraná Delta. Effective implementation of these plans contributes to the conservation of wetlands and biodiversity corridors, preserving critical ecosystem services and strengthening the resilience of communities to climate change.

We work on key areas such as:

  • the Ramsar Site PRNH Sesc Pantanal
  • the Kadiwéu Indigenous Territory
  • the Network of Protected Areas of the Sierra del Amolar (Pantanal)
  • the Ramsar Site Lagunas y Esteros de Iberá (Iberá marshes)
  • “Victoria’s Wetlands and Islands” Multiple-Use Reserve
  • the Ramsar Site Paraná Delta
  • the San Fernando Biosphere Reserve (Delta del Paraná).

Our Achievements (2017-2023)

Management plans

  • Management Plan for the Ramsar Site Delta del Paraná
  • Life Plan for the Kadiwéu Indigenous Territory in Pantanal


  • Community restoration of the Pantanal ecosystems
  • Ecotourism as a livelihood in wetlands of the Iberá marshes
  • Artisanal fishing and adding value to fish products in the Paraná Delta

Multisectoral Dialogue Platforms

  • Dialogue Platform for the Sustainable Development of the Paraná Delta Wetlands
  • Regional Development Agency Movimenta Pantanal


  • Future scenarios for the Paraná-Paraguay wetlands system
  • Paraná Delta Wetland Inventory
  • Early Warning System for fires in El Pantanal – LASA
  • Map of Ecosystem Services in the Pantanal Wetlands
  • Legal and institutional analysis of the ParanáParaguay Fluvial Corridor
  • Paraná-Paraguay Waterway impact evaluation

Civil Society Organisations

  • “Humedales en Red”: Support platform for civil society organisations in the Paraná Delta

Capacity Building

  • Training for wetland managers: Management tools for the conservation and sustainable use of the wetlands


  • Wetlands environmental impact assessment guide

Our work in numbers

  • 3,100 people participants in the Multisectoral Dialogue Platforms, livestock producers applying better practices, wetland professionals and members of distinct organisations.
  • 116 organisations working with us, building ties and exchanging knowledge for our shared goal: a future with protected and healthy wetlands.
  • 793 managers and practitioners trained in management for the conservation and sustainable use of the wetlands.
  • 98,560 hectares of productive wetlands applying better management practices with our support and advice.
  • 1,501,729hectares protected Areas where we collaborate on management and conservation.

A list of case studies

  • Saving High Andean Wetlands for People and Nature Programme

    What Is the Saving High Andean Wetlands for People and Nature Programme About? We have been working with local communities to improve the High Andean Wetlands conservation status since 2017, carrying out restoration and wetland management actions, more sustainable practices concerning cattle grazing and peat extraction. We have worked towards agreements with municipal, provincial and […]