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Member Countries

Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland.

Member NGOs

Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU (FACE)
BirdLife Denmark / Danish Ornithological Society
German Association for Game Protection / Deutscher Jagdschutz-Verband
National Association of Regional Game Councils (Ireland)
BirdLife Netherlands / Vogelbescherming Nederland
Nigerian Conservation Foundation
Swedish Birdlife / Sveriges Ornitologiska Förening
BirdLife Switzerland / Schweizer Vogelschutz (SVS)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), (United Kingdom)
British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) (United Kingdom)
Via Pontica Foundation (Bulgaria)

Find out how to become a member.