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 Our Partnerships

African-Eurasian Waterbird Monitoring Partnership
Avian Influenza Task Force (Scientific Task Force Avian Influenza and Wild Birds)
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Climate Action Network
Coalition of NGOs cooperating on European Biofuels
Dutch WASH Alliance: consortium of Simavi, Akvo, AMREF Netherlands, ICCO, RAIN, WASTE & 6 thematic partners
East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP)
EcoShape Consortium
Ecosystem Alliance: Both Ends, IUCN NL
Ecosystem Climate Alliance (ECA): Australian Orangutan Project, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), Forests of the World, Global Witness, Humane Society, Rainforest Action Network (RAN), Rainforest Foundation Norway, Rainforest Foundation UK and the Wilderness Society
European Habitat Forum: alliance of major European NGOs (IUCN, WWF, BirdLife International, CEEWEB) with interest in the EU Biodiversity Policy
Food and Agriculture Organisation
Foundation for Responsible Peat
Indonesian Government Centre for Marine Resource Survey
Indonesian Ministry of Forestry
Mangroves for the Future
Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory
Migratory Birds for People Programme: Staatsbosbeheer (NL) and Wetlands Link International (WLI – UK)
Michael Succow Foundation
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia
Netherlands Water Partnership
Nile Basin Initiative
Partners for Resilience: Red Cross, Cordaid, RCCC and CARE
Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR)
Permian Global
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) – platform Netherlands
Regional Program for Conservation of the Coastal and Marine Zone of West Africa (PRCM): WWF, IUCN, CSRP and FIBA
Schokland Treaty: 15 partners from private sector, NGOs, donors and the government of the Netherlands
The Nature Conservancy
Total Exploration and Production Uganda
Watershed: Empowering Citizens: IRC, Simavi, Akvo
Wageningen University
Wings Over Wetlands Partnership for Conservation of Migratory Birds and their Habitats: Birdlife International, African Eurasian Waterbird Agreement Secretariat, Ramsar Convention Secretariat and UNEP-WCMC

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